No, but she was into the whole hairy armpit thing, I remember. I actually saw her in concert in 1978 because my friends needed someone to drive them to the city (2 1/2 hours away) so they could see the show and they offered me a ticket if I'd drive. I'd had maybe six hours of sleep total the previous two nights and didn't want to do it, but they wheedled incessantly. I remember the concert has being very angry and kind of surrealistic, but it might just have been lack of sleep. But I doubt it.
Man, i almost fell over! (except i was sitting down)
Did Patti used to be a guy?
No, but she was into the whole hairy armpit thing, I remember. I actually saw her in concert in 1978 because my friends needed someone to drive them to the city (2 1/2 hours away) so they could see the show and they offered me a ticket if I'd drive. I'd had maybe six hours of sleep total the previous two nights and didn't want to do it, but they wheedled incessantly. I remember the concert has being very angry and kind of surrealistic, but it might just have been lack of sleep. But I doubt it.
When I did a google search to find some more info on her, there was a quote in one of the selections that said:
"I have always found Patti Smith beautiful and really talented. I especially love her poetry."
I wondered if the quote was from Stevie Wonder. If she is this persons idea of beautiful, I hope they never try to set a friend up on a blind date.
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