Wednesday, February 07, 2007

In case you're wondering

It's been excruciatingly slow at work the last few weeks. I've had a lot of free time on my hands, thus the large # of posts. I hope things pick up soon, it makes for long days; although I have taken quite a few early leaves and used up some carry-over vacation time over the last few weeks. I don't want to do that anymore, so here I sit, waiting for some action.

3 comments: said...

kingdavid - you're the KING. No, it's just so fun to visit - you always keep things on the light side. It makes my day. I'm getting reconstructive surgery on my foot soon, and have no internet at home, and will be bedridden for a week, and am thinking, what will I do? - no kingdavid, I'll go mad!

kingdavid said...

What kind of surgery? Jonathan had reconstructive surgery on his left foot when he was 7 months old. We'll keep you in our prayers, let us know when you're going in. said...

I'm going in early this Monday morning. It's to correct claw toes and to realign my heel. Thank you. I need your prayers, and your humor when I'm back.