Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My Son Was Idiot of the Month at Buffalo High School

Brains Don't Appear to Run in This Family (FoxNews Out There)
BUFFALO, Minn. (AP) — A teenager who wanted to continue the family tradition of running around the garden barefoot during halftime of the Super Bowl game has learned a painful lesson.
It was 17 below zero at halftime Sunday in this city about 30 miles northwest of Minneapolis, and D.J. Brown's dad said it was too cold to continue the tradition.
But the 18-year-old senior at Buffalo High School ran outside in his T-shirt and jeans, threw off his socks and shoes, and ran around the block.
Brown said he was outside only five minutes, but his feet started swelling and blistering when he got back inside. The pain was excruciating.
"I consider myself having a high pain threshold, and this was just so 10 out of 10," he said. "I was, like, chewing on a towel."
He was treated for second-degree frostbite on both feet and was on crutches and pain medication Monday. Brown, who said he's a straight-A student, chalked up his actions to "teenage arrogance."

I expect we'll be seeing this bumper sticker soon; Buffalo is the next town over from us. Not exactly the way you want to make national news. We have a heckuva time getting JR to dress for the weather, maybe this will hammer home the point we try to make.

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