Thursday, December 28, 2006

They’re evil, they’re insidious, they will drive you insane.

What are they? What could turn a normally strong and level-headed woman, like Mocha-momma, into a whimpering, blubbering, out-of-control maniac ready to pull her hair out and bite the head off her loving husband?

Christmas twinkle lights---that’s what.

We didn’t do a whole lot of decorating for X-mas; but, we are hosting a number of friends on New Year’s Eve. MM has been starting to get ready for the party, and the first order of business was to hang more lights around the house.

The extra strands we had were brought out. They worked, then they didn’t work, then they worked, then they didn’t work. OK. Let’s try option 2. We have some artificial trees in the house which have lights on them (MM likes twinkle lights) They were working fine, she tested them; as soon as she took them off and hooked them up in a different location, they didn’t work. That happened with both sets we had. She wiggled and checked the connection on every single little light in the strand---nothing.

OK, by now I’m ready to take the kids and leave before the volcano really erupts. She did do a magnificent job of holding it in though, and eventually reverted back into the beautiful, serene, majestic person that she is.

It was an extremely tense situation for a while there though. We were all walking on egg shells as she fought those lights with every ounce of her being. Why does this happen? Is it a conspiracy by the light manufacturers? Are these companies owned by Islamic terrorists; and it’s an insidious plot to drive Christians over the edge and shoot themselves?

Over the last 8 years that we’ve been in our house, I’ve had to go out and buy new lights every year; because they never work after that first year of use. We might have to revert to using hundreds of candles. I’d rather take a chance on the house burning down than having to be around an unhappy Mocha-momma when she’s not her normal sweet, loving self.

2 comments: said...

We could almost do a chatroom chat because I'm at my computer, and obviously, so are you.

kingdavid said...

I sit at a computer all day at work. So when it's slow, or on my breaks, I'll browse around and also write up posts throughout the day. It's nice when you don't have to research stuff and actually keep everything fact based, like the guys at Powerline. Nonsense writing, I'm a specialist.