Thursday, November 09, 2006

Palestinian Mollusks taking over in Barbados

There's a Really Great 50s Horror Flick in Here Somewhere ...
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (AP) — A breed of giant, ravenous snails that first appeared in Barbados five years ago has thrived on the tropical island, destroying crops and prompting calls for the government to eliminate the slimy pests.
The snails, which are about the size of a human hand, are known to consume as many as 500 different plants and their mucous can transmit meningitis and other diseases.

This is an absolutely insidious plot on the part of the animal jihad. Evidently they burrow underground during the day and come out at night. We need to pray that these vile little critters don't make their way into the U.S. I'm wondering if they could just package them up and ship 'em off to Japan or China. Any person that will take a chance on dying by eating poisonous fish, like the Blowfish, shouldn't have an aversion to eating something that could possibly give them meningitis. They'd probably be able to find some way to clean off the mucous. We put a man on the moon, we should be able to come up with some practical use for snail mucous. Until someone gets the brainstorm in Barbados, I wish them luck in battling these insidious mollusks.

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