Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Another animal kingdom tragedy? Bloggers bare the truth.

The mainstream media has been exploiting this picture of a poor mother standing vigil over her son who was run over by an SUV. The perpetrator was allegedely a conservative, meat-eating, sorry excuse of a human who failed to stop as this victim dashed and darted about 30 different directions in the middle of the street.

As is the case with many of these images; it turns out the shot was staged by a PETA photographer in order to gain sympathy for the Animal Jihad that is taking place against human-kind. The MSM has yet to refute this hoax; but bloggers across the world are spreading the word on yet another case of terrorists using and exploiting the witlessness of the liberal left in America.

1 comment:

Mercy Now said...

I think there's too much laws protecting animals already. It's like you can't kill a racoon, gator, dog, cat etc intentionally. Well, I love to accidentally run over them.