Well, my first time--the sun was in my eyes, the dog and cat were climbing on me, the tv had a funny commercial on, MM was yelling at me to do something, I developed cramps in my fingers, and I had to go to the bathroom. Besides that, I blame George Bush for my bad score.
But my first time was like 2:58...the dang pieces are so precise! I know I put them in the right places but they have to fit in the exact right spot!
I heard ya! But I got 2:25.
I know, I got down to 4 minutes; but I kept yelling at the screen--- it's the right spot, take it for crying out loud.
AGH! Stupid game! I am taking the KingDavid aproach and yelling now.
1:32 :D
Not to brag or anything but,two minutes and nine seconds on my first try! But I am a designer by trade.
Well, my first time--the sun was in my eyes, the dog and cat were climbing on me, the tv had a funny commercial on, MM was yelling at me to do something, I developed cramps in my fingers, and I had to go to the bathroom. Besides that, I blame George Bush for my bad score.
2:23 on my second try. There will be no further tries since I don't want to start yelling at my computer.
it took me 7 minutes, but i had the same problem with the pieces not being accepted in the right spot.
only did it once.
I hate to admit it, but I didn't know exactly what to do with the pieces. I'm not that smart.
you have to drag them onto the model in the exact spot they belong. they don't always click in the first time, even if it is the right area.
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