Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Her fame is rocketing around the globe

I'm in the beginning stages of a little blogging project, and one of my first orders of business was to do a google search on 'wrist sweaters.' Imagine my surprise when the first 4-5 links were to Night Writer's blog.

An even bigger surprise was that the very first photo in the image section was of Mall Diva. I imagine 'wrist sweaters' must get millions of searches each day, MD might become an internet celebrity, all thanks to the insidious wrist sweater.


Anonymous said...

Of course the first links to the term "wrist sweaters" would lead you to my dad's blog, as I am the one who coined the phrase.

And I wish I were famous.

Mercy Now said...

I'm gonna invent calf sweaters!

RobertDWood said...

Mercy, that is dangerous territory.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

Hey hey! Two of the top five google links were to yours truly. I demand credit for my mocking of her wrist sweaters. Maybe I could be Diva's agent if she went big time? We could split the profits 50-50.

Anonymous said...

That's weird... don't they have to ask someone's permission before putting up the picture?

kingdavid said...

I remember that picture from the blog site. I wonder if any pictures posted on a blog are considered public, and not subject to privacy laws. I'd say lets have a lawyer comment on his/her opinion, but I don't think any lawyers read The Far Wright--I think it's to far above their heads.

(just joking, don't sue me)