Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Oh my; as the official blog site warning of the Animal Kingdom Jihad, this kind of headline is the stuff I live and blog for.

Killer Meat-Eating Frogs Terrorize San Francisco (Fox News)
It sounds like the plot to a bad B-movie.
Meat-eating killer frogs have invaded a pond in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, leaving environmentalists wondering how to stop their deadly march before they move on to bigger waters.
The African clawed frogs have chomped through everything from turtles to fish in Lily Pond, near the California Academy of Sciences, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
The frogs, which can grow up to 5 inches in length, have even gone cannibalistic.
"They've eaten everything they can get their mouths around, and now they're eating each other," Eric Mills of the animal-rights group
Action for Animals told the newspaper.

Just imagine the horror if these little jihadists formed an alliance with the local squirrel population in San Francisco, it would be an absolute nightmare.

I think the best way to nip this in the bud is to spread the rumor that these frogs are a known aphrodisiac, and that they work better than viagra. I imagine they'd have thousands of their citizens going down there with nets and buckets; the little critters would be gone in no time.

Unfortunately, there would be one drawback to that plan; I'm sure PETA would begin protesting the use of frogs as an aphrodisiac. That would be a fight worth watching---PETA vs the GLBT. Let the cat fight begin.

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

I'm doing my part; a squirrel viciously tried to attack the right front tire of my truck, but fortunately I'd bought Michelins. Truck and owner are OK--well, at least the truck. Squirrel is not.

And I'm with you; just give out a recipe and watch the gourmets and gourmands clean that pond out.