Friday, February 09, 2007

Where do I claim my $25 million

Al Gore's $25 Million 'Hot Air' Contest (Newsmax)
British tycoon Sir Richard Branson Friday announced a $25 million prize for the scientist who comes up with a way of extracting greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

In a related story in Newsmax, which is probably even more scary than the alleged cataclysmic threat of global warming, and which should have the entire population of the planet shivering in their boots:

Al Gore Urged to Jump Into 2008 Race
Veterans of Al Gore's past are quietly assembling a campaign to draft the former vice president into the 2008 presidential race - despite his repeated statements that he's not running.

OK, here's my idea. We take Al Gore and Richard Branson, along with every other registered liberal lunatic who is sucked up in this global warming paranoia, and rocket them all off to Bizarro World. Once there, they can crown Al Gore as Bizarro King.

Meanwhile, on planet earth, the voices of reason and facts among the scientific community, including many climatologists with Ph.D's who refute the whole nonsense of global warming, can then present their reasonable and logical steps to the remaining sane population of the earth on how we can be better stewards of the earth without all the knee-jerk and utterly idiotic and cost-prohibitive measures that were being spouted by the lunatics.

(p.s. interesting article here, re: the automobile industry war going on in Europe caused by Kyoto Protocol, and the targets that were set. This is just one symptom in the whole disease that is global warming hysteria)

2 comments: said...

he's not as scary as that woman

Bike Bubba said...

You know, there is a neat technology called a "plant" that has been shown to effectively remove greenhouse gases. I'm afraid that the owner of the cattle on 1000 hills isn't exactly in need of Branson's $25 million, though.