Thursday, February 08, 2007

Latest scan through Fox News

Anna Nicole Smith died. So far the cause is unknown. She just keeled over in a hotel and paramedics were unable to revive. It's sad for her family and friends; but for the rest of us, it's just another example that celebrity, notoriety, fame, money, etc-etc don't equate to happiness or contentment in life. She was a mess-up, misguided individual who ended up with a miserable life that according to the world's standard should have been the ideal. She supposedly had it all.

The other thing that struck me was the continuing saga of the space cadet and her travails. The comedians, and even the journalists, are coming up with some pretty funny phrasing when reporting on this story. Some of the headlines refer to: Lust in Space; or the latest, Desperate Spacewife. I think the bit that I find the funniest is from the latest story in the FoxNews web site. The person writing it started a paragraph "Nowak blasted off into bizzarro world on Monday."

I'm sorry for this poor woman, and she certainly needs a lot of prayer; but I do find that phrase very funny. I think I may use that quite frequently in the future when relating stories on the lunatic liberals of the world. She would not have been alone when she got there; bizzarro world is already populated with people like Al Gore, Cindy Sheehan, Al Franken, etc, etc, etc.

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