Tuesday, February 06, 2007

We just don't even bat an eye at these kind of stories anymore.

Australian University Investigates Cadaver Abuse (FoxNews)
Four staff members at an Australian university are being investigated for mishandling body parts, the university's vice-chancellor said Tuesday.

The University of New South Wales' school of anatomy in Sydney had its license to conduct anatomy classes revoked after an audit revealed remains were sexually interfered with and piled together in coffins.

Police are investigating claims about the mistreatment of cadavers, including fondling of breasts and vaginas, and using a head for degrading purposes, Fairfax newspapers reported today.

A guy having sex with a dead deer in the woods, guys digging up a recent gravesite to have sex with the corpse, these guys sexually molesting cadavers---it's not even shocking news anymore. On the planet most of us live on, where the sky is blue and live human males have sex with live human females (preferably during marriage) this type of behavior is beyond our wildest imagination.

It's inconceivable for us to imagine the mindset of people who do this kind of stuff; but, what's even more amazing is the number of people who wouldn't do it themselves, but who can accept this type of behavior and rationalize it as being OK.

The GLBT will probably say that it's normal and there is probably a gene that these people have which absolves them from any responsibility in performing these twisted and sick acts against nature. That's understandable, because people in this group are basically doing the same thing, so they would try to justify it.

The biggest surprise would be the number of people (liberal minded) who would lead a relatively normal human existence, who would also accept it and make rationalizations. Anybody who doesn't believe that reality can be stranger than fiction just needs to browse any number of news sites on a daily basis.

1 comment:

imfreenow.blogspot.com said...

Amazing that it has pleasure for them.