Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Holy Johan Santana Batman; Twins pitchers and catchers report in 12 days

Man, it's hard to believe baseball is upon us again. I admit I haven't followed baseball for years, and last year just jumped on the bandwagon again the last week or so of the season. I've posted previously on what an avid baseball player I was growing up, and that I was a huge fan for years in my adulthood.

This year, I'm going to give MLB another chance to win me back. I'm going to start following the Twins from the get-go, and live or die with them for the full season. I'm sure one of my prime sources of Twins info will be from Marty Andrade's blog.

I did make it to a couple of games last year, and from that I learned a lesson that I'm going to carry over into this season---do not attend games where Carlos Silva is the starting pitcher. If I follow that rule, hopefully I'll enjoy the outings much more than I did.

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