Thursday, February 08, 2007

This was another link on Drudge Report web site

Muslim leaders condemn...

OK, what is it today that Muslim leaders condemn. This is getting to be like a broken record. Everyday, on just about every single news site, we have this header leading off a story. The only thing that varies is which Muslim group is making the initial complaint, and then we get to hear what CAIR thinks about it as well. Let's call the waaaaaaaaaaambulance out for these Muslims.

They condemn t.v. shows, college students doing silly pranks, churches, community organizations, businesses, airlines, cartoons, soup kitchens, yada-yada-yada.

It's getting to the point where I'd welcome the opportunity to volunteer for some space colonization program just to get as far away as I can from these whiners---Muslims and liberals, they're both major pains in the rear end.

1 comment: said...

Just your luck, they'd be out there too.