Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Same planet; whole different world

Reading through Fox News web site, they always have "entertainment" (I use that term loosely) stories that always revolve around the usual list of dim-witted suspects---Britney, Lindsey, Christina. Lately there have been a number of references to panties, or lack thereof, regarding these women.

It reminded me of a story from a few years back about Elizabeth Hurley. She had been photographed nude sunbathing, and the stories at the time kept referring to her being topless and wearing only a white Versace bikini bottom.

I remember thinking to myself at the time, did Versace sponsor this event. Was the tag sticking out the back of the bikini bottom; is that how they knew it was a Versace. Who in the world could look at a pair of white bikini bottoms from a distance and know they were made by Versace, and not from the Walmart collection. Is there really a big difference between a $20 Walmart bikini and a $200 Versace bikini?

Sorry, I'm just really bored and my mind is wandering. I'll go back to trying to solve the world's global warming crisis.


Anthony the Loser said...
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RobertDWood said...

wandering indeed.