Friday, February 23, 2007

Kind of like the Sunnis and the Shiites:

Feral (homeless and wild) cats have multiplied in the metro area. Officials seek a solution, preferably a humane one.
Across the metro area, community groups and animal control workers say that feral cats are a growing nuisance and public health risk. Statistics and anecdotal estimates suggest that there could be anywhere from half a million to a million feral cats roaming the Twin Cities.

In Texas, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals estimates that 60 million to 100 million feral cats live in the United States. But solutions to stabilize and reduce the population remain controversial.

Who'd come out on top if these two went at it?
The cat would have the superior firepower; but the squirrel would make up for that with it's insidious and ingenius nature. Tough call.

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