Thursday, February 08, 2007

Holy Wascally Wabbit Batman; that's one big bunny

Check out the blogpost here

The gist of the story on this guy is that Korea is hiring him to come in and bolster their rabbit herds (whatever, when they're this big, I'll call it a herd) for food production. This gargantuan looks like he could provide enough rabbit stew to feed a family for a month.
We have some guinea pigs, I may have to start experimenting on breeding them this size. I wonder what guinea pig tastes like, and if there'd be a market. (probably like chicken)


Anonymous said...

Hey, didn't you know that guinea pigs are a delicacy in South America? Last time I heard, I think they went for three dollars a pig. said...

I don't know about you, but if I could hug a bunny like that, it would be wonderful!

kingdavid said...

MD: I'd demand to get paid by the pound, not per pig. On second thought, would I really want to go through with it and then have PETA hounding me with protests--nah.

GE: I agree, I'd love to have a rabbit for a pet; I don't think Mocha-momma would go for any additions to our menagerie right now.

Anonymous said...

Bunny-hop over here to this post from last April: