Thursday, February 22, 2007

Holy Calamari Batman; fire up the deep-fryer

Fisherman Catches Rare Colossal Squid Off Antarctic Coast (FoxNews)
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A New Zealand fishing crew has caught an adult colossal squid, a sea creature with eyes as big as dinner plates and razor-sharp hooks on its tentacles, an official said Thursday.
New Zealand Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton said the squid, weighing an estimated 990 pounds, took two hours to land in Antarctic waters.

Doesn't that look just scrumptious. NOT. I do not, nor will I ever, eat anything that comes out of the ocean (tuna fish being the only exception, and only with miracle whip on a sandwich or in a cold salad) I don't eat lobster, crab legs, shrimp, prawns, squid, abalone, yada-yada-yada; and I definitely will not eat calamari. I've said before, basically if the animal I'm eating has not oinked, mooed or clucked in its life, I ain't touching it.


Anonymous said...

But calamari is good!

kingdavid said...

You know how they say that smell is such a huge part of the eating experience; well I don't think I've ever enjoyed the smell of anything that came out of the ocean. I remember walking through the famous fish market in downtown Seattle one time. I thought I would throw up right there; and you know what, the smell of that would be better than what I had been experiencing. That and the visual of seeing barrels full of slimy, slithering things that they pulled out of the ocean was enough to make my skin crawl. My mom always liked to go to Red Lobster for special days, like her birthday; thank God they always had one steak dish on the menu, otherwise I would have just eaten a salad. said...

too bad, kingdavid, cuz I like seafood

Gino said...

one bite of of a tender,breaded calamari ring, and you'll be one of us.
i bet on it.

Leo Pusateri said...

As an I-Tai-- man--you are missing the boat on fried calimari with marinara sauce!

Not to mention calimari in Vietnamese Pho!

You're just plain missing the boat, dude-- err.. gumba!

Anonymous said...

Leo, I'm not an I-tai, I'm a Pollack. I'll take a big fat hunk of kielbasa over calamari anytime.


Gino said...

you're a fish?
dont fish eat squid?

Dave C said...

Usually people doen't like something because they have never had it prepared correctly. Wanna try some shimp gumbo or crawfish sometime?

kingdavid said...

Surly: if you can make shrimp gumbo and have it come out tasting like a good batch of cabbage rolls stuffed with hamburger and rice (golobki in Polish), I'll eat it. And it the crawfish tastes like a big rack of barbecued ribs, I'll eat that too.

Anonymous said...

We are perfect opposites, KD.

I like every food listed in your post. Except Miracle Whip, that is -- bleech!