It's out of the U.K.; but I'm sure you can get some good info on your particular phobia; I don't think a UK phobia is much different from a US phobia.
The one that caught my eye:
I think all of us have experienced this once and a while. You go into a satellite at the town carnival, and vow to yourself you'll never do that again. That's mild; but what if you suffer a severe case, imagine how it could affect your job, and life in general. What if you were diagnosed with:
- Social Phobia - commonly involving worries that people are aware of you using the toilet, people noticing you using the toilet or that people may hear you using the toilet
- OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) - involves factors such as worrying that the toilet is contaminated or being unable to use facilities that are deemed ‘unclean’.
- Agoraphobia - worrying about leaving the house unless there is a ‘safe’ toilet that can be used combined with fears around soiling or urinating ones self if leaving a deemed ‘safe’ locality
- Parcopresis - fear of defecating in public places
- Paruresis - fear of urinating in public places
- Panic Attacks/Panic Disorder - fear of being unable to use a toilet in a public place.
- Specific Phobia - specific fear of a toilet or toilet related situation
Just consider this another Public Service Announcement (PSA) brought to you by The Far Wright. Helping you poop in public places, and keeping you safe from Jihadist squirrels; I'm on a mission.
Thank you for this very helpful post!
Gah... Thanks.
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