Monday, February 05, 2007

Deadly levels? If you're from FL or Anaheim CA maybe

PHOTO ESSAY: NYC pedestrians bundle up against frigid cold as temps dip to deadly levels on East Coast.

Feb. 4: A lone pedestrian walks in Boston where the arctic air returned with temperatures in the low 20s and wind chills in the single digits.
What a bunch of pansies. In the low 20's; we Minnesotans would be out in t-shirts right now if it was in the 20's.
Actually, I jest. I hate this type of weather as much as the next guy. Mocha-momma and I ran over to Cabelas this weekend and I bought a new rabbit-lined bomber hat. My other beautifully warm rabbit hat was lost in the Hannah-bear twilight zone. My daughter was the last one wearing it, and it mysteriously slipped into some black hole in our house.


Anonymous said...

Somewhere your old hat and her yo-yo are sitting down and reminiscing over old times.

kingdavid said...

Nope, she did find the yo-yo somewhere, so don't bother looking for it. You'll just have to get your own John. Go to and you can order a professional type yo-yo; better than anything you'd find in a retail store.

Gino said...

nice and comfy here in anahiem.
high 70s i think.