Friday, February 09, 2007

Animal Jihad attack: I thought it had been a little too quiet lately.

Brazilian Saves Grandson From Anaconda (FoxNews)
A 66-year-old Brazilian saved his grandson from the grip of a 16-foot-long anaconda by beating the snake with rocks and a knife for half an hour, police said Thursday.

While the boy was playing with friends, the snake attacked and wrapped itself around him, police officer Hudson Augusto said. Anacondas are not poisonous, but kill their prey by coiling around them and squeezing until victims suffocate.

The boy was rushed to a hospital and needed 21 stitches on his chest where he was bitten.

Another good ending to an animal jihad attack, the victim survived, the terrorist is dead.

Let's see, 16 feet and 77 pounds worth of snake. How would they cook that up.

Fried SnakeIn this dish, you marinate pieces of snake in a mixture of sherry, pepper, seasoning, lemon juice, and Italian dressing for two hours before caking in flour and fryin' up. Good with beer, onion rings and TV!

Texas Snake CakesIf you're like me, when you think of cakes, you think of snakes. For this plate, you gut your snake, tear the skin off, cook,cool and peel off the strips of meat. And if you haven't puked by then, chop and combine with egg, salt, pepper, green onion, and saute in oil until brown on both sides. Just serve with tartar sauce and THEN you will surely have barfed your stomach dry... just in time for another serving!

3 comments: said...

did you see that great action adventure anaconda flick?

kingdavid said...

I hate snakes; and I definitely do not watch snake movies. That last one with Samuel L Jackson, you couldn't pay me enough to sit through that.

RobertDWood said...

Here's another one for you.