Monday, January 15, 2007

There have been no coups; the military is not in control

The king has not been usurped. He has been flat on his back in bed for almost 4 straight days with symptoms of influenza, upper respiratory problems, coughing, laryngitis; you name it, I had it.

I missed work on Thur and Friday. I did pull myself together and went to our scout's Pinewood Derby yesterday; which totally wiped me out again. I layed in bed again from around 4:00 pm through this morning.

I am back at work. I feel fairly well; but we'll have to see how my voice holds out throughout the day. I'll need to get caught up with what's going on in the world.


W.B. Picklesworth said...

I was starting to wonder if you had been felled by ogres. Hope you feel better. said...

I was wondering too, everyday coming to your site and seeing, oh dear, or, oh deer. Glad you're doing better.

Gino said...

ya had me worried there, KD.

glad your doin better.