Monday, January 15, 2007

FEAR: liberalism's version of the "Great Motivator"

So I'm lying in bed on Saturday morning, hacking up a lung, and watching Beakman's World. A commercial comes on with a cute little boy laying in bed, holding his cute little stuffed polar bear, and he's all depressed and bummed out because polar bears are dying left and right due to global warming and are going to become extinct very soon. Mommy is there to assure him---yes, polar bears are in trouble because of bad global warming, but there are plenty of liberals out there working around the clock to save these lovable creatures from all the bad human beings on the planet.

I just read an article recently, and I wish I could remember exactly where, that totally refuted this belief that polar bears are in trouble. I was able to find this from a fairly recent article:

U.N. Book Scares Kids on Climate Change (Newsmax)

which had this statement:

The committee release states: "In May of 2006, biologist Dr. Mitchell Taylor from the Arctic government of Nunavut, a territory of Canada, noted that ‘Of the 13 populations of polar bears in Canada, 11 are stable or increasing in number. They are not going extinct, or even appear to be affected at present.’”

Using Saturday morning kid's programming to scare the bejeebees out of little kids with liberal propaganda; can they sink any lower?

1 comment:

RobertDWood said...

State of Fear by Michael Chriton... Good book on this subject, and very entertaining.

Good observations in the middle on an illness.