Monday, December 04, 2006

Not all schools are dominated by lunatic leftists

I heard some interesting info today that I was not aware of. Mocha-momma works at our local elementary school as a para-professional. She's in the special ed department and mainly works with a student who has autism and uses sign language. MM loves sign language; and although not certified, she knows quite abit and has even signed some songs during church services.

But I digress. The thing she was telling me was about how a fairly good number of teachers that she knows at the school absolutely detest the NEA. None of them would belong if they weren't forced into joining and paying dues. They do have one consolation though; at the end of the year they are able to submit a request to get reimbursed for a percentage of their dues that went towards PAC funds. I guess many of them do that. They may be forced into contributing to a union they abhor, but at least they get some money back that isn't going to be used to promote special interest groups that they detest as well.

We thank God for the teachers our kids have had along the way; every one of them have been Christian conservatives. We'd love to homeschool; but Mocha-momma tried it early on with Jonathan and had a very bad experience with him. He has thrived in the structured setting of school, but we still do our best to supplement that with home education as well.

These teachers, and those like them all over America, need our support and prayers as never before.

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