Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I was taken to the guillotine last night.

We had our December pack meeting last night; it being Christmas and all, I decided to give the pack a present---we had a magician come in. The guy earned his Eagle Scout badge, the highest achievement as a Boy Scout; but that was quite a while ago.

He put on a good show, and the kids loved it. For his very last trick he had me come up; naturally the boys all loved that. I did the old guillotine trick. First he chopped through a potato and a carrot, to show it worked. Then I stuck my hand through where the potato was, and a carrot was below my hand. When he slammed it down, I felt a brush against my wrist, and the carrot got chopped; but magically my hand was still attached.

I was watching the boys when this all went down. It was fun to see their faces; none of them moved until I began wiggling my fingers. You just can't beat a magician to keep about 70 kids sitting still for over 2 minutes at a time.

1 comment:

W.B. Picklesworth said...

You say that your fingers wiggled again. Was this digital rigor mortis? Or analog?