Sunday, November 19, 2006

Play the MN Lottery; first to go through the ice.

So, twice yesterday I saw guys hauling ice-fishing houses while I was driving around the area. Seeing as how it's only been around the 30's and 40's recently, with a just a few forays into the 20's, not quite sure what they plan on doing with them. That got me thinking about running a contest.
I'm not gonna get morbid, and do one about the first idiot, I mean victim, to die by going through the ice on a lake or river; we'll just keep it to inanimate objects. You can either post your guesses in comments or just keep track on your own.

How many think the first story on a break-through will occur before Christmas? How many think the first story I post about will be a snowmobile breaking through the ice; or, will it be a truck. My guess will be December 18, a snowmobiler will go through on a lake (and I bet they'll die; so, I'm gonna be morbid) The idiocy of some people never ceases to amaze me.

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