Sunday, November 19, 2006

I've always wanted to live in Australia

Newsmax Story
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has generated buzz as a potential 2008 presidential candidate after only two years in the U.S. Senate. (Getty)

Three years ago he was little-known, a black state senator with an interesting family history and impressive academic credentials. Now polls show him as the top alternative to New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in the early chase for the Democratic presidential nomination. No matter that neither senator has announced an intention to run.

Barak or Hillary as president in 2008. I guess the democrats are trying to develop a new strategy for the presidential elections---scare to death as many sane people as they can, that way they'll have the numbers in the end to get their choice elected.

Honestly, is this the best that they can come up with? Is it the best that America can come up with? I don't know that much about possible Republican contenders; but dear Lord, I hope they can come up with some strong candidate.


Gino said...

like in any cesspool, the lightest 'stuff' floats to the top.

Marty said...

Really though, do you want an experienced Dem Senator to run? I want the greenest face they can find.