Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Soooooomewheeeere oooover the rainboooooow.....

Vegans reign.

New Zealand 'Vegansexuals' pledge no sex with meat-eaters...
A new phenomenon in New Zealand is taking the idea of you are what you eat to the extreme.
Vegansexuals are people who do not eat any meat or animal products, and who choose not to be sexually intimate with non-vegan partners whose bodies, they say, are made up of dead animals.

Get the researchers started on this one. My guess is that within a few generations of vegan inbreeding, they'll eventually turn into some bizarre version of humanoid life forms; kind of like the Oooompah-looompahs in Willie Wonka.

Maybe before that happens though, the mothership will have returned to take them back to their home planet.


W.B. Picklesworth said...

This is a step in the right direction. Now if only they would wait until they married another vegan before "gettin jiggy with it" they would be displaying exemplary sexual conduct. Baby steps.

Gino said...

i assume a vegan babe isnt the lewinsky type anyway?