Now look here you right-wing-nut ignoramus: you don't know a thing about global warming because if you did know about what we're doing to our climate you'd know that if there's anything consistant about global warming, it's that global warming is inconsistant and unpredictable. Therefore the presence of fluctuations is positive proof of global warming, but you don't have the capacity for nuance in that black and white little conservative head of yours, do you!
Guilty as charged. You know what I'd like to see, a worldwide vote on global warming. What's the world population, 6 billion? How many adults would that be, 2/3's. So lets say 4 billion people would vote. I wonder what the final vote would be. It would be nice to just get a vote from reasonable, sane individuals; leave out liberals and all the other certifiably insane people.
little-cicero. kingdavid is interested in truth and the truth is that global-warming fanatics would have us terrified of cataclysmic and fatal events that threaten to destroy life as we know it based on their theories, like all of the northern half of North America freezing over. Tell me how black and white is that?
Gabrielle: LC is playing with me. We haven't heard much from him lately because I assume his studies and acting roles are taking alot of his time. If he continues to act, he'll be an enigma, an actor with a sane and logical outlook on events; unlike the Alec Baldwins of the world.
Now look here you right-wing-nut ignoramus: you don't know a thing about global warming because if you did know about what we're doing to our climate you'd know that if there's anything consistant about global warming, it's that global warming is inconsistant and unpredictable. Therefore the presence of fluctuations is positive proof of global warming, but you don't have the capacity for nuance in that black and white little conservative head of yours, do you!
Guilty as charged. You know what I'd like to see, a worldwide vote on global warming. What's the world population, 6 billion? How many adults would that be, 2/3's. So lets say 4 billion people would vote. I wonder what the final vote would be. It would be nice to just get a vote from reasonable, sane individuals; leave out liberals and all the other certifiably insane people.
I like your right-wing-nut ignoramus mind.
little-cicero. kingdavid is interested in truth and the truth is that global-warming fanatics would have us terrified of cataclysmic and fatal events that threaten to destroy life as we know it based on their theories, like all of the northern half of North America freezing over. Tell me how black and white is that?
Gabrielle: LC is playing with me. We haven't heard much from him lately because I assume his studies and acting roles are taking alot of his time. If he continues to act, he'll be an enigma, an actor with a sane and logical outlook on events; unlike the Alec Baldwins of the world.
You're kidding. Looked and sounded like the real McCoy. He is a good actor.
Thanks. I was worried that my taste for overly subtle satire would get me in trouble, but hey! "Follow your joy!"
Good to be back. I'll have a load off for the summer to get back into blogging.
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