An LAPD K-9 officer is caught brutalizing a cat during a recent protest. The cat, along with many others, was protesting the harassment of undocumented felines in LA. The group feels that all stray felines should be given licenses, no questions asked, and be able to freely roam the neighborhoods of LA looking for food, as well as given free veterinary services. "They do the jobs and eat the garbage that housecats won't," said one protester. They pointed out that it's the kittens of these undocumented felines who are suffering the most from these racist and hate-filled policies.
Well done!
Your biggest fan
Wow, George Bush left me a comment. I'm honored.
Oh ya, gotta watch for those K9s. Aren't you glad you aren't a fluffy kitty?
Seen Go Free Now's blog? I'm sure you have.
George Bush is quite the blogger I hear. I also hear that liberals are formulating a plan to impeach him becasue of his time usage on the 'net.
I did see Gabrielle's post, it was after I had done this. I left a comment about great minds thinking alike.
I'm assuming my biggest fan is actually Mocha-momma; even though she does give me a hard time when I rib her in a post.
Whaddya doin, stealin' the show? Only kiddin. Interesting take on this photo, since I read it's Russian Putin's attack dog, being gentle.
By the way, jonathan - here's your ticket - kingdavid. Right up your alley, I think. Glad you found him.
The police did it wrong, they should have put tainted pet food in the alley and that would have done the trick w/o all causing all these protests.
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