Monday, February 05, 2007

This matched the menu at Night Writer's Super Bowl Party; what a guy, he ordered out from New York

New York state food inspectors are having trouble keeping up with the illegal importation and sale of uninspected exotic meat, for the city's immigrant population, including bush meat and meat from endangered species, according to a December Associated Press report. Inspectors found, among other items openly displayed in New York City storefronts, armadillo and iguana meat, cow lungs, smoked rodent and an unidentified fish paste, along with crates of turtles and a tub of bullfrogs, and occasionally endangered gorilla and chimpanzee meat. [WCBS-TV (New York)-AP, 12-1-06]

News of the Weird


W.B. Picklesworth said...

I particularly liked the cow lungs in a blanket that NW made. I'll be asking for the recipe.

Anonymous said...

I could give you the recipe, but it's not going to be the same unless you can actually get the freshest ingredients.

The smoked rodents, on the other hand, are easy to come by, even if they are harder to keep lit than candy cigarettes.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

No worries on keeping them lit. I'll just buy some subsidized ethanol and burn them till they're medium rare. That is how you cooked them right?