Monday, February 05, 2007

Super Bowl Ads

Looking through my favorite news sites this morning I noticed there isn't a whole lot of talk on the ads from the Super Bowl. The Star Trib had a little article with some comments from employees at a local ad agency.

I wasn't particularly impressed with the ads; none of them really stood out to me as being very funny. I think my favorite was the one with the gorilla plotting to hijack the beer vendor while his pal was posing for a picture and missed the opportunity to grab some brewskis. Mocha-momma loved the Blockbuster video ad with the mouse. The snicker candy bar with the mechanics got alot of laughs. Other than that, I can't really remember a whole lot of them.

There was way too much CBS self-promotion for their primetime line-up. I probably saw more scenes from the Survivor ads than I have from the actual show.

(p.s. I imagine all da Bear fans sitting in their local taverns downing brewskis really got into Prince's halftime act; they probably turned the sound off and turned on the juke box instead.


Mercy Now said...

The Blockbuster was my fav. The Snickers were quite disgusting. The men bikini car wash was another distasteful one.

RobertDWood said...

The blockbuster ad was pretty funny.

I liked the Buswieser 'slap' one, or the jungle office. :D

Mercy, that was indeed a disturbing commercial.