Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mocha-momma and I just got back from a neighborhood block party.

You're saying to yourself; that's odd kingdavid; the post is at 10:30 am on Sunday morning. Why would you possibly have a block party at that time? Well, let me tell you.

Church was cancelled this morning due to the weather. We were out starting to dig out our cars when a neighbor we hadn't met came over and started helping. We went over to another couple who we hadn't met and got them out. We had a big group just gittin-er-done. The cars are defrosted and ready to go.

Not exactly a barn raising event; but it was a nice shared moment in our quiet little corner of the world.

2 comments: said...

Sounds familiar

Anonymous said...

Now that sounds just about right. Neighbor helping helping neighbor.

Uncle Ben