Saturday, February 24, 2007

Make them take the P.A.T.

Gino just did a post regarding the primary in Iowa and how Tom Vilsack already did us all a favor by dropping out as a candidate. (If you never heard of him, you know why he dropped out)

Why is it that in countless different situations in life a test must be passed before an individual can be considered qualified and judged reasonably competent to perform the duties he/she will be called on to do; but, any bozo politician who has ten people backing him/her can throw their hat in the ring to run for president?

I think anybody who wants to run should be required to take a Presidential Aptitude Test (PAT). They should be put into a room all by themselves, leave their entourage out of it, and make them answer about 10,000 questions related to every major issue they will be called upon to address if elected president.

We're talking economics, agriculture, American history, health care, world events, the military, education, and so on. They also should be tested on problem solving skills and prove that they can actually follow logical and reasonable processes to make decisions. They should be put through a battery of psychological tests to prove that they're not insane (look how close we came with Al Gore and Howard Dean)

The people who put this test together can be bipartisan; but they should not come from the extremes of either party. It's not necessarily going to be the case that the person with the highest score is the best candidate; but there should be a minimum standard set, and if they pass that level, they can continue as a candidate. We as voters should be able to be reasonably assurred that the individual is intellectually qualified to govern our country. As to all the other intangibles that would go into making a good president, that's what they'll have to impress upon us as they campaign after passing this test.

There is one very scary and negative result that could come from this though; it's possible that none of the bozos out there right now would pass the test on their own. If that was the case, then I, as king of the Far Wright, would step up and assume the mantle as king over the whole country, starting a whole new era in American history.

The first order of business would be to establish smaller realms all over the country, and put my most trusted and loyal supporters in charge. Duke Gino could have all of California and the rest of the west coast. Duke Steve would have Colorado and the rest of the mountain states. Duke Palm Boy could have Texas (I'd give him LA as well, but I plan to use New Orleans as a toxic waste dump) Duke Mercy would have all of the Southeast and FL. Duke Donny could have all of the northeast. Duchess Cathy could have control in the Midwest.

I'd need my trusted advisors to stay by me and help rule, so Ben, Surly, Night Writer; you guys would have to come and set up shop with me. I'm sure you all would be able to adjust to living in the castle on Oahu that I would plan to build.


RobertDWood said...

King of the Lone Star State... I like the sound of that. said...

The P.A.T. sounds good, but it sounds like I'm going to be the king's cook or maid again.

Gino said...

i always felt myself a midwestener at heart, with a burning love of the ozark territory (God's country).
maybe i can propose to cathy, and make her my duchess, double our realm?
and that way i get my hillbilly ranch where nobody can bother me.