Thursday, February 15, 2007

Kingdavid: Pet Feng-Shui Consultant

FoxNews Out There

The Los Angeles Zoo paid $4,500 to an expert in the ancient Chinese art of feng shui to ensure three endangered golden monkeys on loan from China can have a strong life force.
Consulting the feng shui expert was part of the cost for a $7.4 million enclosure for the golden monkeys debuting at the zoo later this year. Feng shui focuses on balance in design to promote health and happiness.
Feng shui is in demand among high-end architects and interior designers, but Beverly Hills-based feng shui expert Simona Mainini said the Los Angeles Zoo's effort may be a first in animal enclosure design.
"It's very experimental," Mainini said. "We don't have any books on feng shui for monkeys. We just have to assume that Darwin is correct and that there is a connection and what is good for humans is good for monkeys."

As long as there are dolts out there willing to pay big bucks to have someone tell them what they want to hear, have no way of validating that it works, and is not illegal in any way---I can do that as well as the next guy. Specializing is the name of the game today. I figure the way people, especially rich people, are going off the deep end with their pets; that's the way to go.

I figure I can go into someone's house, tell them to put their cat's carpeted climber thingy over in this corner, keep the litter box back here in the laundry room, and voila---the energy force is at it's peak and your cat is happy, that'll be $1,000 please.

Once I've made a name for my myself in the home rip-off, er, Life Force Changing business, I can then move on to commercial enterprises, like zoos. At that point I'll be able to triple or quadruple my rates.


Anonymous said...

You think you could tell someone else where to put their stuff and yet you hate it when I move stuff around. I'll hapily remind you the next time that: "I'm just trying to optimize your life force"

W.B. Picklesworth said...

Ooo, she got you with that one. Good one Mocha Momma!

kingdavid said...

That's probably the reason I subconsciously ignore stuff that she says to me. It's her constant moving of furniture, it affects my life force, thus rendering me impotent to take the dog out or change a light bulb, or whatever else she asks me to do. I think those researchers from the previous post should look into that. said...

Whoa! Ho ho! This is all too too funny. This is what I miss when I'm laid up.