Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Holy Stephen Spielberg Batman; this sounds like a bad movie script

Sharks Attack Shrimping Boat, Setting it Adrift off Florida Coast (FoxNews)
The crew of a Fort Myers Beach shrimping boat was back on dry land, but their boat eventually sank after a run-in with bull sharks.
A group of sharks had been slamming into the Christy Nichole's hull for four days, Captain Roger Schmall said. But then a 14-foot bull shark broke the boat's tail shaft, leaving Schmall and his crew of two adrift about 100 miles off the coast.
Schmall radioed for help, and another vessel picked the crew up about two hours later.
Schmall remained aboard his ship to pump water out while the other boat pulled it back to land. He says it was working for a couple of hours, but the waves eventually took their toll on Schmall's boat and the boat sank.

So these sharks spent 4 straight days ramming into this shrimp boat; sounds to me like someone must have laced their chum with methamphetamines or something. They must have had a pretty bad case of the munchies to put that much effort into getting some shrimp.

The crew must have thought they were in a Twilight Zone episode. If I were on the crew, I would have shoved an oxygen tank into the mouth of one of the sharks, then taken a rifle and start shooting at the tank. Eventually, I would have hit the tank in just the right spot for it to blow the shark into smithereens. Then, when all the other sharks were feeding on the shark bits, I would have skedaddled out of the area and gotten away. This crew obviously just didn't know how to deal with sharks.

1 comment:

RobertDWood said...

I think they needed a shotgun.