Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Does space travel addle the brains; NASA should do some further studies.

Astronaut faces attempted kidnap, other charges (Star Tribune)
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- An astronaut charged with attempting to kidnap a romantic rival in a love triangle with another astronaut was ordered released on bail today under the condition that she not contact the victim of the alleged plot.

Nowak, a married mother of three, stood in a jail uniform, usually facing down as the hearing was under way.

Police said she drove 900 miles, donned a disguise and was armed with a BB gun and pepper spray when she confronted a woman she believed was a competitor for the affections of Navy Cmdr. William Oefelein, a fellow astronaut.

Another prime example that having a high IQ doesn't necessarily mean solid decision making in life; especially when you're sorely lacking in emotional and/or spiritual strength.

This woman must be extremely intelligent to have made it and succeeded in the astronaut program; but good grief, the decisions that she made which brought her to this situation in life certainly don't reflect a person with much brains.

The sadness of this story is that she not only has screwed up her own life; but her husband, children and the other people involved are now in situations that will affect the rest of their lives. They're all going to need a crutch to make it through; lets just pray the crutch they choose is to turn to God and get the Holy Spirit intervening in these circumstances, as opposed to the numerous other crutches of life that will sink them deeper into a pit.

1 comment:

imfreenow.blogspot.com said...

She's done a lot for women in the space program, turning it into worse than a soap opera!