Friday, February 09, 2007

$64,000 Question: what's a guy doing snorkeling in a river in Oregon, in February?

Snorkeler shooter says he thought man was a nutria (Star Tribune)
REEDSPORT, Ore. — An Oregon man accused of shooting a snorkeler in the head has told investigators that he mistook the swimmer for a water-dwelling rodent.

Lets consider the possibilities.
Lack of light.
Too many Rainier beers

The nutria, Myocastor coypus, is a large semi-aquatic rodent. The generic name is derived from two Greek words (mys, for mouse, and kastor, for beaver) that translate as mouse beaver.

Do these two pictures look very similar?


RobertDWood said...

ah, no. And I've got to wonder, what did the furry rodents ever do to him to deserve head shots for swiming in the river?
I mean, its not like you can take it back out of the river and eat it.

And what the heck do you snorkel for in a river in oregon?? said...

I went to Oregon once....