Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'd put more trust in Rosanne Roseannadanna

'Gender' Blamed for Katie Couric's Low Ratings (Newsmax)
CBS News and Sports President Sean McManus says that gender bias may play a role in the disappointing ratings Katie Couric has been getting on "CBS Evening News.”

Do liberals ever get tired of blaming everything on race/gender/sexual preference biases? I think the vast majority of Americans, centrists and right leaners in particular, judge people based on the content of their character. This is one of those concepts that the left espouse in their rhetoric, but fail to uphold miserably when the rubber hits the road.

In this case, she's a liberal lunatic and the vast majority of Americans realize it---everything she says or does is going to have a leftist slant to it.

Mr McManus should look in the mirror every morning and be truthful with himself: "I made a huge dim-witted decision, and now I have to live with it through the life of this contract."

Personally, I don't watch any of the evening news channels---men or women anchors don't factor into the decision. Where I do get my information, the internet, I'm just as apt to read columns from women such as Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin or Ilena Mercer as I am any of the male columnists out there today. No gender bias, just who do I believe is telling me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

3 comments: said...

Really - by now you'd think that gender wouldn't be an issue at all...I thought people liked her

Gino said...

she was only chosen because she looked good on camera.
her ratings will improve if she starts reporting in a neglige.
after a while, the fully clothed perky tease is just what it is. a tease. and nobody likes a tease.
of course, she may have to amp it up to bikinis,thong panties and such eventually to keep the interset going... because nobody likes a tease.

Anonymous said...

Every time I look at her I remember the election cycle 4 years ago when she and her male cohost (@ CNBC?) mused about how the Christian right would be a powerful voting segment in the upcoming election. One or the other said with a scowl (but both agreed) that "we're talking about people that actually take the Bible Literally!". nuff said?
