Friday, December 08, 2006

Someone had way to much time on their hands

I can't believe someone sat around and dreamed up such a silly idea. By, the way---I'm looking for investors for our line of heated car seat foods, let me know.


Gino said...

i'd like to see that tried with a cat. said...

The thing is absolutely adorable, actually. I want to look exactly like her, and carry around my new cat in this same way. Do you have a way to purchase it?

Anonymous said...

They're probably selling them for something outrageous, a couple hundred bucks a pop. I'd go buy some cheap fanny pack and cut a couple of holes on each side; it would probably work just as well.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I'd call this product The Doggy Bag.

In another year the dog will look like the cat in your later post, and it had better hope it doesn't accidentally get left on a super-heated car seat.