Friday, December 01, 2006

No episode of Seinfeld ever got this absurd!

Michael Richards to Meet, Apologize to Hecklers

Michael Richards will apologize in person to the four black men he targeted in a tirade of racial slurs during a recent comedy club performance

Allred said Richards should meet with her clients "to hear the pain that he inflicted on them and to apologize to them."

What a complete joke. These four guys, (wussies, pussies, pansies, take your pick) should be taken and just whopped on the side of the head. What a bunch of weanies. They started the crap and now they're crying like a bunch of 5 year olds. I wouldn't give them squat.

Yeah, he lost control and said some rotten things; that doesn't mean these 4 bozos need to be compensated for it. Michael Richards could just as well turn around and sue them for the crap they were saying about him. Why this kind of crap even makes news is beyond me. A washed up comic and a washed up pop singer who went pantyless---why do these agencies even write about stuff like this.


Anonymous said...

As much as I hate Richard's comments, I really feel Gloria Allred is a no good Shyster.

Anonymous said...

What a way to jump start a failed career. Heck, I had forgoten the Richards even existed! said...

Way to go, kingdavid. If Richards was talking to a bunch of white guys, which it could have been, we wouldn't have heard a word. But the cry of "racism" makes it big news because of the bleedin' liberal media.