Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Is he an 'eeevil' scientist?

(excerpts from a Newsmax story, which is actually pretty long)
Scientist Examines City Squirrels' Lives
CHICAGO -- Squirrels hit the genetic lottery with their chubby cheeks and bushy tails. It's hard to imagine picnickers tossing peanuts and cookies at the rodents if they looked like rats. But good looks alone don't get you through Chicago winters. Nor do they help negotiate a treacherous landscape of hungry cats, cars and metal traps.
So how do they do it? And why do they search, huddle, dart, and sometimes forget where they hid their nuts?
Joel Brown aims to find out.

Robert McCleery, who completed his dissertation at Texas A&M on urban and suburban squirrels, outfitted squirrels with radio transmitter collars and found that 80 percent of them died under the tires of a car or truck.

Search for "squirrels" on the Internet and Web sites like "Squirrel Lover's Club" and "Scary Squirrel World" pop up. There are sites that allow readers to comment on stories like the one from Russia about a "pack of furious squirrels" that reportedly tore a dog to pieces.

OK, I could go about 100 different directions with this story; but I'm going to settle on just this one---exactly how much does a 'squirrelologist' earn a year?

Who exactly do you need to con to have them pay you to find out these little rodents are everywhere, they're road hazards, and underneath their cute little faces and humorous little antics, that they're actually insidious little operatives in the Animal Kingdom Jihad.

I wonder if he's getting a grant from The Department of Homeland Security to track these little vermin; kind of like the agents who are out tracking the money laundering operations of Al Quaeda.

Maybe PETA has offered him a grant to figure out how the little derrieres of the 80% that get run over by cars and trucks can be saved.

Maybe he's on some type of federal grant from the Department of Education and it's just another of the programs that if you add them all up just wastes taxpayer money on a massive level.

Where do I apply to get paid to do research on why there are about 1000 dead racoons on the county roads between my house and work. I think a 6-figure income should cover my effort.

1 comment: said...

i like squirrels and will brake for them. I also think raccoons are cute