Thank God for warriors who stand ready to protect us, and pray for them and their families; in particular for Captain Travis Patriquin's family, who had this on his desk. Peace will not be achieved by liberals holding circle-jerks, demonstrating topless, singing feel-good songs, and sending out love vibes to terrorists who want to kill us. The only time we're ever going to achieve lasting peace is when the Prince of Peace returns and begins His rule; until then, we're not admonished to turn the cheek against people who want to rule the world through violence and oppression.
Turn the cheek is one of those things Jesus said that is hard. I don't think it would be right to think that we should let terrorists come in and devastate us either. So where does that verse come in to play?
That's beyond me, but the context of the verse says do not resist an evil person. I heard a sermon one time that outlined this in terms of if someone attacks you because of your belief in Christ, mainly in the verbal sense, that you don't respond in kind and take it. It was never meant to imply that you allow yourself to be physically assaulted, especially to the point where you're life is in danger. Maybe Night Writer or Dave C will be able to add more light if they read this.
I think there is a time and place where resisting evil is pointless, and it IS best to turn the other cheek. I've experienced this. I agree that we must protect ourselves as much as we protect others. It's called loving ourselves.
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