Friday, December 08, 2006

Darn---I missed the boat on this one.

One Man's Belly Fat Is Another Man's Fuel
Talk about recycling. One scientist in Belgium has found a creative new use for the millions of pounds of excess body fat being carried around by Americans: fuel.
Norwegian businessman Lauri Venoy thinks fat collected through liposuction would make a great alternative fuel source, the Aftenposten reports. Bio-diesel fuel can be produced from plant oils or animal fat, and excess baggage from humans definitely falls into that category.
More than sixty percent of Americans are overweight, making for a fuel source that's bound to keep giving for many years to come.
Venoy's firm in Miami, Florida is in the process of signing an agreement with American hospital giant Jackson Memorial.
This deal would give Venoy's company around 11,500 liters of human fat a week from liposuction operations, which is enough to produce about 10,000 liters of bio-diesel.
Maybe we should urge people to eat more so we can create more raw material for fuel," said Venoy.
In Norway bio-diesel is mostly produced out of fish oils and used fryer fat.

I can't believe I missed out on this idea. You know what's going to happen next though? Individuals who do this procedure are going to be suing to get compensated for the fat they're getting sucked out. Then, you're going to have people purposely overeating and selling their fat. Then, there's going to be legislation which regulates the selling of your own fat. Then, there's going to black marketeering of fat, with back-alley quacks doing the procedure. Then, there will be deaths in these back-alley procedures. Then, pro-choice organizations will spring up devoted to legalizing selling of your own fat. Then, the states will get involved again and battles will rage over this issue. It'll be deja vu all over again.

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