I did encounter some moments of absolute peace however when I visited a retreat center earlier this Fall. It was just north of Anoka, in St Francis MN, and it was called Pacem in Terris.
It was my first venture into finding total peace and tranquility, and you know what, I found out that it isn't as easy as it sounds. I lasted about 24 hours before I started to go stir crazy. I did get an answer and the direction I wanted; but I had planned to stay 48 hours, and I just couldn't do it---I left early. They had told me that might happen though. I would certainly try it again. Now that I know what to expect, I'll be better prepared the next time I give it a whirl.

This is the little place you stay when you go to Pacem in Terris; they call them 'Hermitages.'
an, you are a prolific blogger. I have been blogging way too much lately (kidding) but seriously. Do you think maybe we don't have a life? Ha.
If you noticed, most of my posts don't require a whole lot of thought. Now Night Writer---he does meaningful, well thought out posts that require work. I'm a drive by blogger; I see a story or a picture, come up with something I think is witty, and throw it on; it doesn't take a whole lot of time. I'm still new enough at it that I'm still like a kid in a candy shop---I love it. I imagine I'll slow down soon.
Hi kingdavid. I made it for almost two days and cried Uncle. There are lots of people that I connect with uniquely on the internet. It kind of felt like locking myself in my room. Valuable as an attempt at discipline, but not reason enough to sequester myself.
Mercy, you and your snarky remarks! For goodness' sakes, you make me laugh without saying a word.
hammerswing, I know what you mean. balance, always balance. king, I would like to call your blog, "daily laughs," because since I discovered you your blog has been a daily laugh, and this is truly medicine! So, keep it up, if you can. I know what you mean, I am relatively new too because my blog was dormant for 5 months, so it's been a short time.
The only thing I don't agree with is calling liberals idiots. Hugh Hewitt put it the best way, at the patriot rally. Liberals are neither stupid nor unpatriotic for the most part. They are simply deceived. I couldn't call them idiots because they come on my site and I don't want to give them THAT message. I just want them to know that they are deceived. I hope this isn't too critical.
P.S. I know how it is. Liberals make us all so angry that we want to lash out at them. I am very angry too, so don't get me wrong. It's just that I think we need to give them them our understanding. I used to be liberal. (when I was young and dumb)
P.P S. I think that if you call them idiots, they can then pigeonhole you as yet another conservative who is hypocritical, like that guy who protested at funerals.
Like Chuck Colson said in the Christian chronicle, like it or not, we, as conservatives who are mainly Christians, are held to a much higher standard.
Kev called me on something and I had to remove it from my blog, because his words convicted me. It makes you feel really embarrassed but sometimes you have to delete things from your blog after everyone has read them, and you show them you had to repent or relent, or whatever.
I understand completely, and that is something I've struggled with---detesting their ideology while understanding that there but for the grace of God go I. I held a lot of the same types of opinions in the past, but I primarily have always been a right-leaner. I try and keep it generalized and not attack specific individuals; but the leftists that are out there high-profile are asking to be targets. I'll try and refrain from using idiots, especially when using lunatics sounds better in a literary sense. I don't think my little blog is going to change the world, and my loyal readers are all pretty much on the same page anyway.
Oh, kingdavid, my side almost split again. I think I may get a hernia from laughing at you. You go ahead and call them lunatics....ha ha. Youre right, most are on the same page. I just occasionally get a liberal coming on and beating me up for not being "politically correct." I don't mean that I want to back down on my stand or anything. I won't.
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