Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Some great info from www.Wikihow.com

How to survive a long fall:

Have you ever wondered what you'd do if you ever found yourself free-falling from 25,000 feet. Like the Boy Scouts say: Be Prepared. Evidently you can survive, and this article will give you some good ideas on how to do just that.

One of the best bits of info it gives is to choose a good landing site, and aim for it. Hard, inflexible surfaces such as concrete are the worst on which to fall. Makes perfect sense to me.

The best possible surfaces on which to fall are snow, deep water (preferably water that is fast moving or frothy, such as the kind found at the bottom of a waterfall; see Warnings), soft ground (such as that in a newly tilled field or in a marsh), and trees or thick vegetation (although these present a high risk of impalement). Hmmm; taking a shot at getting impaled, or choosing some hard, inflexible surface to fall on. I'll have to think about that one.

Some other great bits of wisdom:
  • Bend your knees.
  • Relax.
  • Land feet-first.
  • Land on the balls of your feet
  • Protect your head on the bounce
  • Get medical help immediately.

I have some other suggestions:
  • Be pro-active: don't even get into an airplane, that's the only way I know of that could possibly get you into this situation in the first place.
  • Don't fly with Muslim terrorists who may detonate explosives while you're 25,000 feet in the air.
  • Aim for the nearest liberal; if you're gonna bite the bullet, take one of them out with you.
  • If you're skydiving, don't buy your equipment from: Parachutes 'R' Us.
  • Think to yourself: what would Bugs Bunny do (he always survived these kind of falls)
  • Pray the entire way down, and rely on God's grace and your guardian angel.

I happen to have met a guy who survived a parachute malfunction when I was at the Air Force Academy. He fell into a cranberry bog and survived. If I remember correctly, he came out of it with some sort of spinal injury, but he was alive and kicking.


Mercy Now said...

Uhm, if one were to fall freely from 25k ft, even landing in the ocean would still cause quite a bit of damage. Even if one were to survive, he prob would lose much of his bodily functions and be in a wheelchair so yeah aim for some liberals.

Steve said...

Hey, I didn't know you were a zoomie. What class?

85 - Best Alive

kingdavid said...

Unfortunately Steve, I didn't stick around; I transferred in the middle of soph. year. I wasn't pilot qualified and just decided to leave; especially after I quit the hockey team, (myself and a number of other guys totally detested the coach)

I would have been the class of '79, the last class with balls. (they let women enter the next year)

imfreenow.blogspot.com said...

that's so funny - he's a crumpled paraplegic, but he's alive