Thursday, November 30, 2006

Atheists say the darndest things: we could write a book.

Stephen Hawking: Colonize Other Planets
"Sooner or later disasters such as an asteroid collision or a nuclear war could wipe us all out,"
(of course, the same things could happen on other planets as well, but hey, keep dreaming)

Humans must colonize planets in other solar systems traveling there using "Star Trek"-style propulsion or face extinction, renowned British cosmologist Stephen Hawking said on Thursday. (unfortunately, the knowledge of how to do this was lost when Scotty passed away recently, they'll have to go through his junk drawers, maybe he left behind the plans for the Enterprise's propulsion system)

"But once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be safe," said Hawking, who was due to receive the world's oldest award for scientific achievement, the Copley medal, from Britain's Royal Society on Thursday. (of course, because things like asteroids, which could hit planet earth, obviously aren't found in any other part of the universe, thus the threat of extinction is only limited to the Milky Way)

"Science fiction has developed the idea of warp drive, which takes you instantly to your destination,"
"Unfortunately, this would violate the scientific law which says that nothing can travel faster than light."

(details, no need to bother with them)

However, by using "matter/antimatter annihilation," velocities just below the speed of light could be reached, making it possible to reach the next star in about six years. (unless, like what happened in Lost In Space, some glitch occurs and you end up traveling all over who knows where and get chased by evil alien beings who want to enslave or eat you---that would be bad)

"It wouldn't seem so long for those on board," he said. (tell that to anyone who's driven a couple thousand miles on a family vacation, with kids)

Geniuses, they're never appreciated. This thinking reminds me of another brilliant line of thought from so-called scientific geniuses of modern times: panspermia. Because evolutionists can not and never will be able to explain the origin of life with their theory, and because it has been scientifically proven that life only comes from other living things, these geniuses decided that earth was seeded by other alien life forms in the past, and that is how life began on planet earth. It doesn't explain how life-forms were created outside of planet earth, which brings them back to the same dilemna, but it does explain our existence. Atheists, even nobel prize winning genius atheists, are still basically idiots when you boil it all down.


Mark Klugmann said...

But seriously: it can be done and it is the right thing to do.

President Reagan in 1988 made a similar call “to colonize the galaxy.” But rather than a warning of possible extinction, it was an optimistic call to fulfill our “manifest destiny.” Reagan said, “It is only in a universe without limits that we will find a canvas large enough for the vastness of the human imagination.”


Anonymous said...

The comment about the length of time seeming shorter for people on board an interstellar flight is true, because the closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time appears to travel, at least for you

Anonymous said...

The comment about the length of time seeming shorter for people on board an interstellar flight is true, because the closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time appears to travel, at least for you

And you know this how?

Anonymous said...

It's a simple fact of relativity. It has been tested and proven with atomic clocks being flown around the world. It's veracity is not really up for debate. The closer you travel to the speed of light, the more time slows down for you. A journey of 6 light-years will take just about 6 years from the perspective of anyone on earth whether you are going 90.00% of the speed of light or 99.99% of the speed of light, but to the traveler it is a difference of 6 years on one hand and a couple weeks on the other. The closer you are to the speed of light, the more time slows down for the traveler.

Anonymous said...

since when did evolution have anything to do with the origin of life?

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