Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ergo, the blog name

Minnesota, what does the state conjure up in your mind? Lakes, the Vikings, Hubert Humphrey, Liberals. My guess is that many people around the nation view MN as a die hard Blue State, but they could not be further from the truth. Unlike Massachusetts, which has punished the rest of America by subjecting us to decades of Kerry and Kennedy ( I think MA voters should receive a lifetime idiocy award by some organization), at least MN voters have voted in a Republican now and then to the Senate.

I can go even further to prove we’re not as blue as most people think, including a lot of Minnesotans. Let’s look at the last election. My county, Wright (ergo the blog name), voted for President Bush in the last election, along with 61 out of 87 other counties in this state. Kerry won Hennepin County, which includes Minneapolis, by 128,000 votes; but, he only won the state by 98,000 votes. That would indicate to me that the president won the rest of the state by 30,000 votes. John Kerry basically won one major county in the state, and Minnesota liberals were drooling over themselves about how proud they were that the state went to Kerry.
Well, Minneapolis is basically filled with your typical urban liberals, i.e. race-card playing, intolerant, anti-Christian, heterophobic twits. The rest of the state is basically filled with tolerant, right-leaning, hard-working, conservative families that have nothing in common with the Minneapoltwits.

All right, we did vote in Jesse Ventura as governor for one term, even Einstein probably did some stupid things in his life; but, we did bounce back and elect a republican again right after that. Anyway, when you think about Minnesota in the future, think about great hunting and fishing, the beautiful Norwegian Riviera along the shore of Lake Superior, Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox; anything but the fallacy that we are some bastion of liberalism in the Great White North.

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